Sunday, July 8, 2007

Taggart Giles

Hey BL gang! Sorry, my family can't make it to the reunion. Busy summer. Anyway here is a little bit about us. Shortly after graduation, as many of you know, I joined the Marines. I served in the infantry for 8 years, which included a tour to Kuwait and Iraq. Matt Williamson was along for the ride too. During those 8 years I was released for 2 years to serve a mission in Finland. Yea, you think Bear Lake is cold. Finland makes BL feel like a trip to the Bahamas. While deployed to sunny California, I met my wife Tracy. She also is a '97er, and will be attending her 10 year reunion in Laguna Beach, CA this summer.
We have been married for 4 years now and have a 22 month daughter, Lillian. She was born with some pretty serious heart problems, and underwent heart surgery 4 days after birth. She is just a ball of fire now, and frequently wears me out. We are currently living in Denver, CO. We love it here and expect to stay. Tracy's education is in early childhood development and she's going to start a preschool in the near future. I have a master's of arts in forensic psychology, and have worked with almost every type of criminal you can think of, though I specialize with white-collar criminals. Feel free to call, write, or visit. We would love to have anybody come visit us. Take Care, Taggart, Tracy, and Lillian Giles


Brooke D said...

WOW Taggart,
You look WAY taller than i remember. I'm so glad to see you and your family doing well. I heard about your daughter and am glad she is well.

Brandon B said...

What up dude? I know you didn't post this, but I saw you made a comment on Gary's page so I know you've been on here. Good to see and hear you guys are doing so well. How do you like your work? Who are you working for? Man, I wish I had a job. Anyway, what else have you been up to. Sorry I haven't kept in better touch. How do you like the Colorado mountains? Pretty sweet huh? Good to hear from you.

Jessica said...

I'm so glad to hear your little girl is doing well! She was so tiny the last time I saw you guys in Denver. I miss that town. Glad you are enjoying life in CO!

Brandon B said...

Glad to see that your little sweet pea is doing so well.

Jessica Y. said...

Tag, It is such a small world! I had just found your name on Christian and Gina's Blog,( I only know one TAG!)The funny thing is I just figured it out moments before checking back on these blogs. Obviously you are one ahead of me. (no passing along any embarassing high school stories!)
Your little girl is beautiful, I am glad to hear she is doing so well. What a long and scary first few months for you and your wife.
Any ideas where Matt Williamson is these days?

JaNea said...

Tag, you have a beautiful family. Glad to hear that things are going well.

Bodo said...

I'm italian and I am friend of your wife, but it is much time that I do not succeed to contact it. They are happy for seeing your splendid family. I you would be pleasing if you can say to Tracy to contact me for a fast CIAO!

Bodo said...

I'm italian and I am friend of your wife, but it is much time that I do not succeed to contact it. They are happy for seeing your splendid family. I you would be pleasing if you can say to Tracy to contact me for a fast CIAO!